Drew De Grado

Drew De Grado Bio Page
Prior to my tenure as a Gospel Preacher in PA, my background had been in Commercial Photography and Video, traditional Advertising and Marketing, Web Design and Internet Marketing.

This secular background and professional experience proved to be an asset in my efforts to spread the Gospel while working with the Honesdale church of Christ. For example, I produced ten sixty-second radio commercials that aired on local stations multiple times through out the week for 18 months. These radio spots were later converted into BibleMoments Youtube clips, which can be viewed at Bible-Moments.com.

Through these efforts, I was able to make several contacts, including an invitation from the Director of Chaplaincy at Waymart SCI, Pennsylvania State Prison. As a non-denominational Chaplain, I was able to make an impact by officiating worship and preaching Sunday sermons to two different groups of inmates. Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth, attendance grew to 30-40 inmates any given Sunday among the main population. I also taught a 2-hour Monday night Bible class with regular attendance of 15 inmates each week.

The diverse range of denominational backgrounds among the inmates presented a unique opportunity for me to address a variety of doctrines head-on. These individuals had made poor decisions in their life, which lead to their incarceration. Being receptive to learn about God and Jesus Christ as revealed exclusively through the Bible, these efforts lead 12 inmates to be baptized into Christ.

During this time period I was also invited to teach the midweek Bible class at the Scranton church of Christ. This opportunity eventually led to presenting Sunday sermons at the Scranton church very early,  while still working with the Honesdale church.

The Lord has blessed me with interesting opportunities in Northeast PA that led to the conversion of twenty one souls which the Lord added to His church. Praise God for opening so many doors.

With my professional background in Web Design I developed ChristiansInHonesdale.com, Bible-Moments.com, and BibleCourses.online. I also produced BibleQuest.org which is a live internet Bible Talk-Show. Originally I was the host for the Tuesday edition  until the demanding work at the state prison. I stepped down as host, however, I continued to manage the back end and technical responsibilities for both the 2:00pm Tuesday (Scott Smelser, Justin Dobbs, Dan Bunting) and the 3:00pm Wednesday (Jeff Smelser, Joe Works, Chase Byers) live broadcasts.

My passion for reaching individuals where they are within their world view has led me to develop study materials specifically designed for this purpose, recognizing that the audience I’m trying to reach is rarely interested in studying the Bible.

Therefore, I have produced a series of studies consisting of four parts:

1. Creation vs Evolution
2. Proving the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
3. New Testament Canon - why only these 27 books?
4. Finding the Kingdom of God

Each study builds upon each other with the intention of starting at ground zero and leading one to find God of Heaven and His Salvation. This series is also beneficial for strengthening the foundation of faith of believers, and to prepare them with tools to withstand the schemes of the Devil.

These studies have been presented to congregations and groups, in various forms and venues, and have garnered nothing but positive feedback. Click Here for more details of each course.

I have also condensed these courses down to a set of four 45 minute lessons, plus Q&A, that would be ideal for a Friday through Sunday meeting. This unique set of lessons highlights the key points of each of the four subjects, making it ideal for congregations looking to reach individuals in their local community.

Collaborating with the congregation I can help promote the upcoming meeting. With my experience in producing radio commercials I can create radio spots that can be used as free local PSA announcements. Additionally, I can produce Youtube video shorts for posting on dedicated Youtube channels, Instagram, Twitter, and individual social media platforms.

To ensure maximum outreach, I can also create and deploy email campaigns to individual and church contact lists on behalf of the congregation. I can design professionally crafted digital materials (PDFs) for congregational distribution and involvement. These materials will be informative, engaging, and visually appealing. All without cost, except for any printing. Please feel free to contact me using the form on this website for more information.